Systemic Organisational

What are Systemic Organisational Constellations

Systemic organisational constellations are a younger sister or brother of family constellations developed by Bert Hellinger, German philosopher and therapist. For the past 20 years, the organisational constellations have been developing as a separate field of action, further developed and fine tuned by Jan Jacob Stam and his institute in the Netherlands.

Systemic constellation as a method creates a living map of the organisational dynamics, using the participants in the workshop to represent the important elements in the organisational system. For example, the represented elements could be an executive board, management team, department X, department Y, clients, workers, sales team, etc. but also some other more conceptual elements like: goals, strategy, success, risk, future, purpose, etc.

Please note that systemic constellations are NOT a role-play exercise or any kind of acting; they recreate the exact image of the system dynamics in the form of a living map. This ‘living map’ can help the leaders and team members better understand what is going on in their system and what are the possible ways to move forward.

businessman legs & shoes

When to use the systemic organisational constellations?

There is a wide range of issues and organisational challenges that may benefit from the insights gained in the systemic constellations. Some examples of situations when to use systemic constellations in the organisations are:
  • Merging two companies
  • Excessive staff turnover
  • Difficulties to create a new strategy
  • Entering the new market
  • Feeling stuck and lacking energy
  • Resistance to change
  • Insufficient commitment to organisational goals
  • The lack of communication between departments
  • Transition from a family business to corporation
  • Etc.

Testing the future decisions in the constellation

One special type of constellations could be used to test several strategic options with the company and its clients, including the potential clients. This type of constellations is called scenario constellations. If it is used to decide on the new aspect of a product or a brand, it is called branding constellations. Both types can provide valuable insights and support the right decision-making process.

Are you wondering if the organisational constellations are what you need?

In order to learn more about systemic constellations and find out how they might be applied to your organisation, feel free to contact us. It will be our pleasure to propose the best possible solutions for the problems that you are facing.